soul and purpose

"Through my paintings I hope to communicate a personal enthusiasm and respect for the natural world, thus encourage in others an active stewardship of same." -- JEANNE ILLENYE

Robin's Nest in the Shadows with Curled Oak Leaf 8x8 inches oil painting ADAPTABLE TO LARGER SIZES Lovely Old World Classical Style Gives Emphasis to Today's Interiors

Robin's Nest in the Shadows with Curled Oak Leaf
8x8 inches / oil on panel
The ever popular Robin's Nest filled with precious blue eggs is not only a harbinger of Spring, but it symbolizes hope and constancy in a world often wrought with stress and uncertainty.  Seeing a Robin's nest full of eggs reminds us that there is always hope for the future and that Mother Nature prevails.


Unknown said...



Thank you SO much, Norma! I'm forever fascinated by the intricate weavings of these exquisite nests. Each nest reveals which species of bird wove it which is in itself a marvel. Thank you for your lovely comments! Jeanne

click image

I was published in Visual Language Magazine


Blessed are those who see beautiful things in humble places where others see nothing.

names of colors A-Z