soul and purpose

"Through my paintings I hope to communicate a personal enthusiasm and respect for the natural world, thus encourage in others an active stewardship of same." -- JEANNE ILLENYE
Showing posts with label watches. Show all posts
Showing posts with label watches. Show all posts

rare white robin blue willow teacup small still life oil painting 10x8 teatime fob watch ribbon pink english roses forget-me-nots lace tea caddy

capturing nature's transient beauty 
 White Robin on Blue Willow Teacup with Fob Watch, Roses and Lace
10x8 inches oil on panel
This is an unusually whimsical composition for me, referring to my client's last name, White-Robbins.  You'll note that I even set the fob watch to 4 O'clock teatime.  I may also be offering prints and notecards of this charming oil painting in the future so if you're interested, kindly contact me at

Vintage gold fob watch

4x4 inches / oil on panel
The warm, mellow patina of this vintage gold fob watch is enhanced in a dramatic light.


Fob Watch on Blue Leather Book
Oil on Panel 4 x 4 inches
This is my third painting of this subject, my grandfather’s gold fob watch. Each version has been uniquely different, this being my favorite thus far. As it was painted on a smooth panel versus canvas, I was afforded the opportunity to incorporate more detail than done previously. Features of particular interest to me were the sun touched gilding on the blue leather book and the reflected highlights and shadows just beneath the glass lens. During the various stages of refinement within the details of the watch face, I found a tremendous respect for those artisans who actually hand paint clocks and watches. Such a daunting task, but perhaps I’ve achieved a respectable amount of detail to be worthy of your consideration.


This is another painting conforming to the aceo 2.5 x 3.5 inch size. It was inspired by a photograph that my husband took of my grandfather's gold pocket watch while testing how close he could get with my new camera. He got so close as to see the dust under the lens. Needless to say, I've not included that much detail! I actually worked from life on this painting and kept my husband's concept to zoom in extremely close and create a more deliberately abstract composition. I'm pleased with this deviation from my classical still lifes that I'm accustomed to painting. I chose to set it at eleven O'clock thinking that it might hold a particular significance for someone...perhaps the time of a wedding, graduation, etc.

click image

I was published in Visual Language Magazine


Blessed are those who see beautiful things in humble places where others see nothing.

names of colors A-Z