soul and purpose

"Through my paintings I hope to communicate a personal enthusiasm and respect for the natural world, thus encourage in others an active stewardship of same." -- JEANNE ILLENYE

pansies in basket classical oil painting floral

  Dew Kissed Pansies in a Basket
16x20 inches / oil on canvas
Pansies are the most delightful little blossoms typically known for their "smiling faces".  I recall visiting our local farms in NJ as a child where I'd repeatedly presented my mother with clusters of colorful blossoms, begging her to choose my favorites...only to be rejected with the same response every time, "No, they don't have smiling faces in them!"  Then when my mother found just the perfect flat of smiling faces, I understood exactly what she meant.  ;o)

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I was published in Visual Language Magazine


Blessed are those who see beautiful things in humble places where others see nothing.

names of colors A-Z