soul and purpose

"Through my paintings I hope to communicate a personal enthusiasm and respect for the natural world, thus encourage in others an active stewardship of same." -- JEANNE ILLENYE

two variations on a theme red golden delicious apples on lace still life oil painting available for purchase realism

Two variations on a theme of apples and lace.  Both available for purchase.  The painting shown on the left was created first, while the other was inspired by same adding a little more visual tension in the proportions of the canvas.  It's hard to say which I prefer.  The antique cloth embroidered wtih blue floss on the right is particularly enchanting especially with the little curl at the end, while the simplicity and rich color dominate the mood of the painting on the left.  Which is your favorite?
For purchase inquiries / offers email:

Excerpt from facebook -- follow me there, too! 
Brief reprieve after long flurry of orders, birthdays, holidays. Vowed to enjoy pool this year rather than always painting! FINALLY pruned some of my 65+ shrubs many 5-8 feet, gardens sufferring with near tornado winds, hydrangeas heavy burdened with blooms, roses flourishing, sweet peas scrambling everywhere, cut some for porch and painting. INCREDIBLE pics of my peonies. Hope I get caught up on orders to paint all I've planned! 
Jeanne  :o)

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I was published in Visual Language Magazine


Blessed are those who see beautiful things in humble places where others see nothing.

names of colors A-Z