classical still life oil painting custom pomegranates peonies figs bleu cheese peaches grapes rustic wood cutting board knife
Peonies with Pomegranates, Figs, Bleu Cheese 24x30 in. oil on canvas SOLD
still life oil painting strawberries in white lotus bowl with runner vines
fruit still life in progress strawberries in lotus bowl with runner vines 8x10 in.
In Progress custom oil painting portrait two little girls in ballet tutus cape cod 8x10
DAISY XL Custom Dog Portrait Dachshund Beagle Mix Roses FRENCH mirror chest chair damask Bluebirds Spode Filigree Pattern Bowl fob watch teacup
Blue Transferware Collection Spode blue tower blue onion china antique crystal poole silver coffee teapot gorham chantilly flatware bluebirds peonies roses tuberoses oil painting custom
SOLD My client requested a number of items be included in her painting: Spode Blue Tower transferware, whole pecans to remind he...
sneak peek in progress 48x36 in. Daisy dog portrait / still life French dresser & chair ornate gilt mirror
Take sustenance but not more than you need. We must be responsible stewards of all God's creatures.
WISDOM * CLARITY * PURPOSE Preview of two page spread excerpted from one of my books in progress. SUSTENANCE "Ta...
sneak peek in progress blue and white transferware still life fruit flowers 24x36
Summer Bouquet in Cantonware Vase with Seashells, Nest, Bird Figurine, lilies, hollyhocks, hydrangeas still life floral
Summer Bouquet in Cantonware Vase with Seashells, Nest, Bird Figurine 20x16 in. oil on canvas Another that I never posted.
welcome home last frosted mini wheat cereal bowl silver spoon
When a painting is a gift, I don't post it immediately then often forget, as was the case with this older painting. Here is a gi...
maritime rose teacup bowl of blueberries cake bread little gems oil painting
Here's another painting I'd forgotten to post. I'm sure there are SO many I've forgotten so please let me know if your...
Christmas Card 2019
A special thanks to all my wonderfully patient clients while I catch up on the numerous large commissions currently underway! You...
Edith Cheever Dent (1876-1954) with Maltese Cats Katisha, Maltena and Tommie, Circa 1885 Oil Portrait
"Shades of White" 24x24 in. oil on canvas peonies, lace, crystal pedestal candy dish, cardboard box still life oil painting
peaches with salt glazed vase from alsace lorraine france 24x30 still life oil
Edith Cheever Dent work in progress oil on canvas
classical floral still life with bluebirds roses hollyhocks spode porcelain bowl
Bountiful Blossoms and Bluebirds 20x16 in. oil on canvas SOLD Ohhh...if only I had taken a photo of this painting after I'd fin...
Howard fob watch on gilded leather book series of family portrait birth times
This is a family's portrait of birth times, each 8x8 in. oil on panel.
Edith Cheever Dent 1885 custom oil portrait of child with cats in progress
custom oil portrait of child 19th century Edith Cheever Dent with her 3 Maltese cats work in progress 1885
Christmas Card 2018
> Click here to view prior Christmas cards Christmas Card 2018
Edith Cheever Dent with 3 Maltese Cats custom oil portrait people pets
white peonies in Edwardian silver teapot on antique lace still life oil painting shade of white
Peonies in Edwardian Silver Teapot with Lace 12x12 inches / oil on panel This painting will be fe...
MLB commission baseball for Bud Selig
Feature Article in CFAI's "Where Art Lives" Magazine Pages 84-87 "Well Played" by JEANNE ILLENYE ...
Robin's nest with feathers moss broken egg and cherry pod still life oil painting
Robin's Nest with Feathers and Broken Egg 5x5 in. oil/panel SOLD
antique victorian silverware sterling silver spoons serving pieces still life oil painting
Eternal Spring large classical still life oil painting
Eternal Spring 30x24 inches oil on canvas by JEANNE ILLENYE NFS This was my very first large floral painting which I...
trio of black cherries contemporary realism little gems oil paintings
Trio of Black Cherries 4x4 in. oil on panel SOLD capturing nature's transient beauty
detail of pink roses white lilies butterflies sicssors beribboned basket classical still life oil painting
Beribboned Basket of Roses and Lilies oil on canvas SOLD
orange glow with cherries dramatic peeled orange oil painting contemporary realism
capturing nature's transient beauty "Orange Glow" SOLD Inspired by an earlier painting of mine entitled "Ora...
family portrait of birth times vintage howard fobwatch gilded book still life
Nest bluebird eggs feathers vintage cigar box oil painting still life
" S t a r t l e d " 18 x 14 inches / oil on canvas Resting upon an antique Honduras cigar box, an intricate nest of twigs, g...
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