Large Classical Still Life Oil Painting Peonies, Pair of Wrens, Double Happiness Ginger Jar, leather bound books, pink stationery, cherry drop leaf table

Peonies in Double Happiness Jar with Two Wrens
30x24 inches / oil on canvas
...and here's the second painting to which I'd referred in the prior post, a loose arrangement of old fashioned peonies in a Double Happiness jar symbolizing good luck.  Tucked amidst the casual arrangement of antique leather books and pretty pink stationery, are two tiny little Wrens, one of which is holding a fly in it's beak.  As always, the porcelain is chipped and cracked, water droplets randomly scattered, dense blossoms display a heavy burden on their stems with fallen petals, and leather books are torn and frayed...all revealing my trademark signs of age.


  1. Lovely painting,Nice colors mixing in flowers.Thanks sharing....

  2. Hi Jeanne,
    this oil simply is incredible.
    Some of the best birds I ever saw painted in oil , and the books are mesmerizing as well. I love the lettering on the back spine! Great , great piece, Brava

  3. Thank you SO much, Mariano! I wish my pics were better. These delicate little wrens were so realistic in person, and since they were painted lifesize, almost felt like they'd hop right out of the painting! Sometimes aspects of my work really even surprise me! The books are always great fun. The leather portfolio just doesn't show details at all in this photo but was textured, had dewdrops on it and one could nearly feel the softness of the frayed pages and bent, broken edge. There were papers tucked into the bound novels, as well. Thank you so much and always a delight to hear from you! :o)


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