Robin's Egg in Nest Amidst Wilting Pink Roses

Nest Amidst Wilting Roses
8x8 inches / oil on panel
There’s something so intriguing about the backside of a flower...where the magic of the bloom emerges, unfurling it’s complicated and delicate splendor. Here I found that very same excitement in my roses and chose to paint their velvety petals just as they were, softly wilting and bruised as a gentle reminder of nature’s transient beauty. 


  1. Very nice, Jeanne. I'm really drawn to the flowers and their weight on the stems. Lovely delicate petals.

  2. Thank you SO much, Susan! I enjoyed your description regarding the weight of the blooms, which I always remark about with roses. Some of them are so heavy and yet their individual petals so delicate...nature is a marvel.

  3. Thank you for an insightful and useful post. The web is a better place with you writing!

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  4. C'est absolument superbe! Je peux sentir et toucher les pétales de velours d'ici. Une bien belle réussite.

  5. Merci beaucoup, Hélène, pour vos commentaires jolie. Je n'ai pas beaucoup de roses, de sorte qu'ils sont très précieux pour moi quand la floraison, d'où ma tentative pour véritablement capturer la texture de velours et de toute beauté trop fugace. Jeanne

    English translation: Thank you so much, Helen, for your lovely comments: I don't have many roses, so they are quite precious to me when in bloom, hence my attempt to truly capture their velvet texture and all too fleeting beauty. Jeanne

  6. I've just been scrolling through your blog savoring each beautiful painting...I know I will have wonderful dreams tonight after seeing your GORGEOUS work!

  7. Oh thank you SO very much, Claire! What a truly heartwarming sentiment! Nature's beauty provides us with endless joy! :o)


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